Learn the game plays, theory, and background of the Sustainability Lens Board and Card Games.
Attend our three-hour live facilitator training certification course or online program, log 14 hours of gameplay time, take the certification quiz, and become a Certified Facilitator of the Sustainability Lens Games.
The training, led by DDI-certified global leadership trainer and professor Dr. Tamara Stenn, gives one the tools and experience needed to conduct a full game - guiding others to have a successful, fulfilling time building more fun, resilient, innovative enterprises.
Certified facilitators receive their own Sustainability Lens Board Game and one deck of main and one deck of advanced cards (two decks total) at no additional cost.
Certified facilitators can purchase additional games at 40% off retail prices.
Contact admin@sustainabilitylensgame.com for more information, class times, and applications. Financial aid is available.
Sustainability Lens Certified Facilitator Trainer Program
Learn to arrange and conduct sustainability workshops and classes using:
Sustainability Lens Board Games include a 12-page instruction guide, a deck of 45 Sustainability Lens playing cards, full size 16"x 16" Sustainability Lens board, 30 Lifeline Idea Coins and pouch, Sustainability Lens Solutions scorecards, SDG Spinner, 10-sided die, timer, pen, and sticker.
Sustainability Lens Card Games: Played with the Main Deck and upgraded with the additional Advanced Deck. The full two-deck pack includes all of the board game components put into a card game format.
All live, facilitated game plays are 100% guaranteed to be delivered as advertised. While every effort will be made to ensure a safe and productive experience, unforeseen risks may arise. These risks may include, but are not limited to, personal injury, accidents, or acts of nature, such as extreme weather or other natural events, which may impact the workshop schedule or activities.